Friday, January 31, 2014

Tough Guise- Lewis Jones

Tough Guise Analysis- Lewis Jones

Tough Guise is a video that tries to explain why men are the way they are. I really agreed with Mr. Katz when he was talking about how wrestling and action movies were some of the main Driving forces in how boys grew up. I remember spending many of my childhood evenings in front of my T.V watching wrestles battle it out in the ring and then the next day going outside and fighting my friends reenacting the moves I had seen on television the previous night. For most of the video I did agree with Mr. Katz but there are two things that I didn’t agree with at all was how he grouped all black men into this group of fatherless Italian mob imitators. And by growing up watching action movies it will make you a serial killer or make you want to go out and shoot up your school. When you are born you have a choice to do better or stay in this continuous cycle of what struggling and this stereotype of black males are raised by their single mothers and if we’re not good at a sport we’ll end on the streets selling drugs or hustling people. My parents are still together and I always knew right from wrong I feel like it is less what the media dose to you as a kid but what your parents tell you.

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