Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Linnea Hoops
LBST 2101 - 19H

Why is it okay for men to show their nipple? Why is it NOT okay for women to show their nipple?

Lina Esco is a filmmaker that resides in Los Angeles who supports gender equality and strongly feels that women should be able to show their nipples in public just like men are able to do. Last year Esco directed a film “FREE THE NIPPLE”. The film follows a group of young women who walked through New York City topless and tried to conquer the censorship laws of NYC.2

It seems as if the public is okay with any amount of breast tissue showing or protruding out of a swimsuit or small top, but as soon as the female areola or nipple slips out it becomes a whole different situation and attention is brought to that women in a negative way and considered indecent exposure.

Esco goes on to talk about how New York City made it legal to expose the female nipple, but as soon as they began shooting in New York, topless women were arrested left and right! 2

Esco has come across some bumps in the road while filming. Most of the pages put up on social media like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram have been deleted because they “violated” the rules of that social media website. 3Being a active user of all three of these websites I see pictures of topless men left and right everyday, but as soon as the female nipple hits the internet the account gets deleted.

Even though Free the Nipple has been hard to film, the cast and Esco have experienced some great things along the way.  When women around New York City saw what was going on they soon joined in the movement and the camera got it all on tape. Also, Miley Cyrus 1 has acted as a catalyst for this movement making more people aware of what’s going on and broadcasting it on twitter. She has even released pictures of her showing her nipple.

What Esco has to offer to the community is excellent. She realizes how unfair it is for women to have to hide when men get to be proud. Everyone loves the saying “if you’ve got it flaunt it”, so if we all have nipples to flaunt, we should all be able to flaunt away! Even though female nipple exposure is illegal in 37 states, I think this will change. I don’t think it will be any time soon and maybe many years from now, but I do believe it will change. Not only do I believe it will change I think it NEEDS to change.

I think if women can make this step to gender equality it could perhaps speed up gender equality that is very much needed in the workforce and in dating. But those subjects are for a different day.

I couldn’t help but include this picture that shows how strongly I feel about this topic before the movement ever came along. My best friend and I decided to be boobs for Halloween our junior year of high school to stray away from the outfits most girls wear every Halloween and prove that female nipples are okay. (I am the left boob and my friend is the right boob)We even wore these costumes to a “pink out” football game that was supporting breast cancer and were not allowed in, yet boys were topless covered in pink paint. I can’t wait for the female nipple phenomenon to be a thing in the past that we will laugh about in the future.

1 Miley Cyrus and Lina Esco worked together years prior to this movement. Esco is very appreciative of Miley's support and loves the light she has shed on the movement.

2 http://fundanything.com/freethenipple?locale=en

3 http://fundanything.com/freethenipple?locale=en

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