Thursday, January 23, 2014

Child Acts as Opposite Gender by Keona Holden

Child Acts as Opposite Gender
By: Keona Holden

Although many people identify with the gender that correlates with their sex; there are people in the world who do identify with the opposite gender. This is also known as gender identity disorder or gender dysphoria. There is no concrete cause but there are theories that hormone imbalances, defects in normal bonding or genetic chromosomal abnormalities cause this disorder. This disorder is more common in males than females.(2) People with this order are disgusted with their own genitals, they repeatedly express the desire to be the opposite sex, dress up as the opposite sex and also some request to be called names that are associated with the opposite gender. This disorder is diagnosed through several psychological tests and a thorough medical history exam.(2)

Many school systems across the nation have not yet come up with policies and regulations to accommodate students who identify with the opposite gender.
School in Fayetteville(1)
In Fayetteville, North Carolina in Cumberland County, a first grade boy at Howard L. Hall was acting as the opposite gender.(1) When the child began acting like a girl at home his parents took him to a psychologist who then recommended letting the child act as a girl.(1) The parents of students who attended this particular school were okay with the child identifying with the opposite gender, but they wanted administration to tell them about the situation before their child did. The parents wanted to be well informed of the situation so that they could appropriately answer questions their student came home with.(1) The article noted that California has taken a step forward and made a law that allows students to use the restroom of their choice.(1)
I think this article was very interesting. I think that the parents at this school very accepting. I have seen parents that are not very accepting of their children who were gay or identified with the opposite gender. This article also brought out a problem that has never been noted before. In the past issues like this were masked because of shame, and ignorance. Many people felt to ashamed to identify with the opposite gender because it was not common and they didn't want to be made fun of or looked at differently. This situation shows that everyone is different and schools should be required to accompany each and every student. It is okay to be different. If everyone were the same the world would be a boring place.

1. CBS Newspath, "1st-grade boy dressing as girl prompts NC county to examine gender identity." Last modified January 14, 2014. Accessed January 22, 2014.

2. Web Md, "Gender Identity Disorder." Last modified March 05, 2010. Accessed January 29, 2014.

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