Thursday, January 30, 2014

Danger of the Birth Control Pill and other Contraceptives

Linnea Hoops
LBST 2101 - 19H

Women all over the world rely on birth control to help regulate their periods, stop cramping, spotting, acne and the obvious keep them from becoming pregnant. A lot of girls and women are so eager to get on it they don’t realize the dangers and health implications that come along with taking Birth Control.

Some of the changes that come along with take birth control pills include larger breasts, weight gain or loss, reduced or increased acne, slight nausea, mood swing though out your cycle and irregular bleeding or spotting 1. These side effects only break the surface of the different dangers of contraceptives.

Most of the previous side effects are pretty normal and at least one happen to all women, but there are much more severe and scarier dangers out there that women are not aware of. These include increased risk of cervical and breast cancer, migraines, high blood pressure, infertility, benign liver tumors, blood clots, and yeast overgrowth and infection. 2

It has recently been discovered that taking birth control can destruct and harm helpful bacteria in your intestines, which lowers your immunity to infection and enables you to be more likely to experience yeast overgrowth. This perhaps starts to explain why women who have been taking birth control pills for years are more at risk for things like cancer infection and blood clots. 3

Being a young woman that takes birth control, these findings have been pretty eye opening to me. It’s scary to think that when I want to settle down and try to have kids I might not be able to because I have been taking the pill for so long. Also, learning that I am more susceptible to cervical cancer or breast cancer is frightening. The breast cancer part really stands out to me because it prominent in my family history.

Even though the most popular contraceptive is the birth control pill there are many different ones out there.

Another familiar contraceptive is the injectable birth control method. This method is given in the arm or buttocks once every 3 months. Some dangers that come along with this method are loss in bone density, unexplained vaginal bleeding, liver disease, breast cancer and blood clots. 4 Some less severe side effects include irregular menstrual periods, headaches, nervousness, acne, change in appetite, weight gain and hair loss. 5

Another contraceptive that can be used is the Female Condom. This is not very popular and not many people know about it. Some of the dangers of this contraceptive are that it isn’t as effective in preventing pregnancy as any other contraceptive, and it is more costly than male condoms and can cause extreme discomfort to the woman using it. 6

A not so popular contraceptive is the NuvaRing. After researching this product I don’t think I would want it anywhere near me. When looking up information about the NuvaRing it came up with the most dangers and side effects. There were the common side effects that come along with any contraceptive like weight gain and nausea and cramping, but there were some that were a lot petrifying. These dangers included blood clots, strokes and heart attacks, high blood pressure and heart disease, cancer of the reproductive organs and breast, gallbladder disease, liver tumors, lipid metabolism and inflammation of the pancreas. 7

Even though there are so many dangers to birth control and other contraceptives there are also positive effects. If you are a college student and sexually active I think it is important for a young college woman to be aware of the dangers that come along with taking it or injecting it, but also want to protect themselves from getting pregnant or getting an STD or STI (which you need to use a barrier method contraceptive like a condom to prevent an STD or STI).








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