Friday, January 31, 2014

Penn State Sex Crisis -By Eric Maritato

Penn State Sex Crisis
By Eric Maritato, LBST 2101

On November 5th Jerry Sandusky was arrested. He was later charged with 45 counts of involuntary deviate sexual intercourse.[1] He was the founder of the organization called Second Mile. This was a charity program to help disadvantaged youth. It was said that Jerry Sandusky found all of his victims through this charity organization.[1] The school fired the head coach Joe Paterno and forced the president Graham Spanier to resign for concealing information about the Sandusky case. Jerry Sandusky is now serving a sentence of 30-60 years in prison.[2] The NCAA then went on to fine Penn State sixty million dollars, bans the football team from the postseason for four years and removed all wins between 1998 and 2011. Also, the NCAA lost 20 football scholarships per season for four years.[1]
Now in my opinion I believe that Jerry Sandusky is a horrible man and does deserve to live the rest of his life in prison, but he shouldn’t have brought down the entire school and the football program with him. I think that the NCAA was very harsh with their punishments. They are punishing players who had no relations to the case. Students I think are also potentially punished because their college experience has been tarnished. Current students would never have the chance to see their football team make the playoffs. I also, feel bad for Joe Paterno the old coach of the Penn State football team. He was such a legend at that college. He even had a statue outside the school of himself. After the case his entire career exploded. The school took all his wins away for him and everything he accomplished. Yes, he probably did conceal information that should have brought to the general public sooner, but he had no connections to anything that Jerry Sandusky did. Joe Paterno later died after being fired from the team. Some say he died of a broken heart. Penn State will always be remembered now for what Jerry Sandusky did and it will be hard for the school the gain back the respect that they used to have. I hope to see the program grow and succeed again in the coming years. A recent report came out in October that Penn State is paying 59.7 million dollars to twenty-six men in Jerry Sandusky’s sex abuse case.[2] This shows that Penn state is doing everything they can to make things better and put the horrible tragedy behind them

[1] CNN, Library. CNN, "Penn State Scandal Fast Facts." Last modified October 28, 2013. Accessed January 31, 2014.

[2] Puskar , Gene. New York Daily News , "Penn State will pay $59.7 million to 26 victims in Jerry Sandusky sex abuse scandal." Last modified October 29, 2013. Accessed January 31, 2014.

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