Thursday, January 30, 2014

Hugh Hefner -By Eric Maritato

Hugh Hefner
By Eric Maritato, LBST 2101

To start off I will give you a little background of Hugh Hefner, the creator of playboy magazine. He first started his career off with a Chicago Cartoon Company and later worked for Esquire Magazine. He decided to quit Esquire Magazine after being denied a five-dollar raise. He raised eight thousand dollars with a little help from his mother and released his first Playboy Magazine featuring Marilyn Monroe.[1] Not exactly sure how the general public would react, he never gave it a cover date. His first issue ended up selling Fifty thousand copies and this is when Hugh’s career began to take off.[2] Playboy magazine is now the top selling gentlemen’s magazine in the world. Hugh Hefner is said to have changed our world by breaking the boundaries of sex, age, and gender.[1] According to some sources Hugh Hefner can be awarded for starting the sexual revolution in the 1960s.[3] He created playboy in the time when sex was not appropriate to talk about. He had a dream to change the view of sex and he achieved it. Hugh Hefner is now in his 86 and is married to twenty-six year old Playboy bunny Crystal Harris. Hugh has admitted to sleeping with a thousand plus woman and is considered one of the luckiest men alive.[4]

In my personal opinion I believe Hugh Hefner did change our society. His magazine allowed woman to express their true selves. Hugh helped break restrictions on sex. With breaking these restrictions there will always be negative critics on his career. You either support Hefner and his major success or you go against his life and say his magazine is poisoning our society and young adults. I would put myself right in the middle. If I was Hugh and saw an opportunity to create a multi-million dollar enterprise I would go for it too but on the other hand I think his Playboy enterprise could cause men to have a false view on sex. It could cause men to want the playboy fantasy and sex life, overall changing their view on woman and expecting more from them in a sexual relationship. Also something to worry about is having your young child getting his hands on a Playboy Magazine. At an immature age kids shouldn’t be able to view something with that much explicit content. Overall, Hugh saw a high demand in gentleman’s magazines and he went for it. I do give him credit for becoming a lifestyle entrepreneur and not worrying about the public’s opinion.

[1] Allen, Scott., "Hugh Hefner: The Ultimate Lifestyle Entrepreneur." Last modified 2014. Accessed January 31, 2014.

[2] ATEN UK, "Hugh Hefner Biography." Last modified 2014. Accessed January 31, 2014.

[3] Zahn, Paula . People, ""Hef": The legend wore silk pajamas." Last modified 2001. Accessed January 31, 2014.

[4] Huffpost Celebrity , "Hugh Hefner's Sex Life: Playboy Founder Says He's Slept With More Than A Thousand Women." Last

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