Monday, January 20, 2014

Sex on Tv by Courtney Holland

Although sex is still sex rather it be from past times to modern times, I believe that modern day media does highly impact sexuality to people in the world. Anytime you turn on the television and flip through the channels you are bound to see or hear the word sex or something about it.  When you go to a local grocery store you are bound to see a “sexy picture” on the cover of one of the magazines while you are in line to purchase groceries. Back in the day kids played outside. Jump roping, playing basketball, running around outside, etc. was how children spent there fun times. Nowadays, you probably would not see to many kids playing around outside. These days you may see a seven year old with an iPad playing a game or an eleven year old with a cell phone. Back then these things where unheard of, but our technology becomes addictive and through our technology we are exposed to media. I am 18 years old so I would say I am pretty well rounded on how to use technology. There was one incident where I could not figure out how to return to my home screen on this pretty high tech laptop and my seven year old little sister did it for me. Being exposed to technology means being exposed to media. There was another incident where my little seven year old sister asked me what does lesbian mean. Now don’t get me wrong I have nothing against gay people. I have full respect for the gays but it through me off guard when she asked me because I did not know she was exposed to the word. I asked her where did she hear it from and she said she heard it from TV and then I began to explain to her what it meant. She is only in the first grade! I personally did not know what lesbian meant till about the third or fourth grade. I remember asking my mother. Maybe I was late, on the gossip of sexuality but it still surprised me when my little sister asked me. Yes, sex is a natural part of life but unfortunately it is taking over our youth. Young kids know way more about sex than what I knew when I was there age. With the growth of technology and kids being more involved with technology, sex will continue to be exposed to younger generations in there early life stages.


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