Friday, January 31, 2014

How does Uncc handle Sexual assault or rape on campus?
            To get a clear view on how UNCC handles sexual assault you should download the PDF that is provided online. However here is a summary of what it says.
            When you file a complaint to the University they assign you an investigator and an affirmative action officer.(1) Your identity will be upheld as much as possible however, it may turn out that your identity must be compromised to help investigation continue.(1). Typically investigations consist of the investigator, affirmative action officer, dean of students, and a human resources representative (1). The University allows for both the accuser and the accused to have a friend/ support person with them to talk to, as long as they do not interfere (1). Punishments for cases may range from something as small as a verbal apology, to something as serious as expulsion or jail time.(1) The University will also punish someone who files for falsely accuses someone, and the punishment goes along with what is said in the student handbook, and all depends on how serious the investigation finds it to be. (1)
            Punishments for students are different than punishments for faculty or staff(2). While students may be expelled, faculty or staff may be terminated immediately if it corresponds with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (2). Which reads “Harassment on the basis of sex is a violation of Section 703 of Title VII, which states that: "Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal and physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when –(2)

1. submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual's employment, (2)
2. submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting such individual, or (2)
3. such conduct has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with an individual's work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment."”(2)

            Luckily through my investigation I found that UNC Charlotte has no cases of Sexual Harassment that I could find, however I am sure that there are cases that were never published online, because of the fact that they could have kept the identity of the assaulted a secret form the public.
            I feel as though the University handles Sexual assault cases well, and the University offers Counseling for those who have been assaulted.

(1) UNC Charlotte, "Sexual Harassment FAQ's." Accessed January 31, 2014. &cd=2&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us&client=safari.

(2) UNC CHarlotte, "University Policy 502, Sexual Harassment Policy and Grievance Procedures." Last modified May 19, 1998. Accessed January 31, 2014.

Tough Guise- Lewis Jones

Tough Guise Analysis- Lewis Jones

Tough Guise is a video that tries to explain why men are the way they are. I really agreed with Mr. Katz when he was talking about how wrestling and action movies were some of the main Driving forces in how boys grew up. I remember spending many of my childhood evenings in front of my T.V watching wrestles battle it out in the ring and then the next day going outside and fighting my friends reenacting the moves I had seen on television the previous night. For most of the video I did agree with Mr. Katz but there are two things that I didn’t agree with at all was how he grouped all black men into this group of fatherless Italian mob imitators. And by growing up watching action movies it will make you a serial killer or make you want to go out and shoot up your school. When you are born you have a choice to do better or stay in this continuous cycle of what struggling and this stereotype of black males are raised by their single mothers and if we’re not good at a sport we’ll end on the streets selling drugs or hustling people. My parents are still together and I always knew right from wrong I feel like it is less what the media dose to you as a kid but what your parents tell you.

Sex and Cars

Sex and Cars -Lewis Jones
The saying sex sells has never been more relevant than today with swimsuits getting smaller and the body parts they’re supposed to be covering getting bigger. Advertisers have been taking full advantage of less strict FCC rules and putting more revealing clothing on both women and men in their commercials to sell their products. Car companies’ use tons of women and in the 1970’s a scandalous commercial would be one like dodge released for the Charger 500.[1]
In this commercial you can see how these girls would have been very well clothed by today’s standards but in the 70’s it was banned because it showed too much skin and it. While one woman was in her bikini you couldn’t see any cleavage and the other woman had pants on. Chargers are still driven to this day and new Chargers continue to sell at high rates. Then only a short ten years later Chevy released a commercial of an attractive woman getting dressed where you can see her in her evening wear and then she walks out and show a little bit of cleavage[2]Despite having terrible gas mileage and being in the middle of one of Americas first gas crisis the Trans Am was still one of the highest selling and one of most popular cars of the 80’s.
Now even though the two previous cars are American muscle car classics, and mostly driven by men the Fiat 500 is a small coup type car that came over from Italy. They released many commercials of women in bikinis and even topless. Yet this car is still mostly driven by young women[3]. This is because most people who have driven smaller cars such as the Mini-Copper or a Toyota Yaris.
In this there is no doubt that this commercial is aimed at men[4]My theory is that the commercial gets the man’s attention and then the actual look of the smaller car drives the wife or girlfriend to purchase the car and the male is so numbed by the commercial that it doesn’t bother him anymore.

[1] USAutoIndustry, 1970 Dodge Charger 500 Commercial, May 25, 2011

[2] VintageTVCommercials, Sexy 1986 Trans Am Car Commercial, Apr 1, 2009

[3] Bradford Wernle, . N.p.. Web. 31 Jan 2014. <>.
[4] CelebrityCommercials, “Catrinel Menghia Topless Fiat 500 Sexy Commercial Abarth 2013 Celebrity Commercials TV”, Published on Dec 3, 2012

Sexuality in the Civil War

How did the Civil War change sexuality in America

            Many things came from, or were used in the Civil War as far as sex goes. Things like Prostitution, pornography, and homosexuality were all a part of the war, whether historians talk about it or not.(1)
            Prostitution was very common during the civil war. There were letters from soldiers being sent back to their families like, “There is a whole city of whores. Yes, father, a whole city. They have laid out a village to the east of where the railroad bends to the docks” (Young worker in the Sanitary Commission, City Point, Virginia, 1864)”(2), or “This section of the country seems to abound in in very bad women” (Sgt. A.L. Vairin, Dec. 27, 1862, near Weldon, NC).” (1)These letters were very truthful at that. Prostitutes would literally follow the armies around and set up camps just outside wherever they would set up camp. These were called camp followers, because that is what they would literally do. “Hookers” which was a common term back then, were so common back then that diseases like syphilis (73,000 cases), and gonorrhea (109,000 cases) ran rampant. The worst cases were found in the big cities like Nashville, New Orleans, and Richmond. (1)

Pornography was also used very much in the war. Merchants would sell soldiers small posters of naked women, and soldiers would use them to masturbate. Also books called “barracks favorites” were sold, which were purely novels of sexual nature. Only three still exist and are kept in the Kinsey institute at the University of Indiana.(1) In fact masturbation was so common with people in the war that some soldiers were actually admitted to hospitals because they developed mental disorders from masturbating to much. Since then more and more men have been admitted yearly for the same condition.(3)
Homosexuality has been a somewhat controversial issue when it comes to the Civil War. Some resources will tell you that there were only a couple cases that they thought were homosexual activities with soldiers, however other groups will argue that the silence of that argument by historians proves that there in fact was multiple cases of homosexual activities happening within the camps. The only case that history buffs will admit to is a case where three Navy soldiers were court martialed for improper and indecent intercourse with each other.(4)
            The civil war made things like masturbation much more common, also it increased the amount of venereal diseases in the United States by a large margin

(1) Wikipedia, "Sex in the American Civil War." Last modified November 22, 2013. Accessed January 31, 2014.
(2) Lowry, Thomas. "Sex lives of Civil War Soldiers." Book Patrol (blog), January 18, 2010. (accessed January 31, 2014).
(3) Lowry, Thomas. "Onans revenge: Death from Masturbation." Civil War RX (blog), January 31, 2014. (accessed January 31, 2014).

(4) Monroe, Irene. Bilerico, "The Bilerico Project." Last modified April 21, 2011. Accessed January 31, 2014.

Should Columbus Day be Celebrated? - Keona Holden

Should Columbus Day be celebrated? By: Keona Holden 

On the first day of my History of American Sexuality class, my teacher said that we would be learning about Christopher Columbus. When she said that I thought, “Why would we learn about Columbus day? What does that have to do with sex?” Little did I know Christopher Columbus had a lot to do with American sexuality. During week 2 of class, we were assigned a reading that told the truth about Columbus Day. While reading the article I learned a lot of important information that was skipped over during my early education. The Columbus Day celebrated by many Americans was originated by the Knights of Columbus which is a Catholic organization that was in search for a Catholic hero as a role-model for the children of this religion to look up to.(1) They decided to just focus on the positive and helpful things that Columbus did rather than harp on the negative aspects of his life. Christopher Columbus is usually thought of as the person who discovered America, but this is not true because there were people in America before he came here, Native Americans. Also a Viking named Leif Ericson also founded America about 500 years before Columbus.(1) The article also points out how Columbus was much less than a hero. When he discovered the Bahamas, he noticed the people there were extremely nice.
After realizing that the natives (Arawak) didn’t have any weapons, Columbus decided to take advantage of these people. He confiscated their land for Spain and forced them to work as slaves.(1) Columbus eventually brought over attack dogs as a punishment for slaves who didn’t produce enough or for slaves who tried to run away to freedom. That’s not even the worst part; when the dogs ran out of dog food to eat, Arawak babies were killed and fed to the dogs. People around Columbus knew what he was doing was wrong. The Governor Francisco de Bobadilla arrested Columbus and sent him to Spain. But unfortunately the King and Queen of Spain let him free because they were profiting from Columbus’ nasty and wicked acts. That was not his only horrendous act. He also played a big part in selling native girls into sexual slavery.(1) These girls were minors who ranged from the age of 9 to 10. Columbus wrote "A hundred castellanoes are as easily obtained for a woman as for a farm, and it is very general and there are plenty of dealers who go about looking for girls; those from nine to ten are now in demand." in his journal. (1) The article then goes on to ask why we don’t celebrate people who actually make a positive difference in other lives. I definitely agree. After learning about all of Columbus’ violating acts, I think that we should not celebrate Columbus Day, even if we get a day off from school or work.

1. Huffington Post, "Columbus Day? True Legacy: Cruelty and Slavery." Last modified October 11, 2010. Accessed January 31, 2014.

2. "Remembering Christopher Columbus: The Biggest Mass Murderer In History [Video]." HipHop Wired RSS. Web. 31 Jan. 2014.

Penn State Sex Crisis -By Eric Maritato

Penn State Sex Crisis
By Eric Maritato, LBST 2101

On November 5th Jerry Sandusky was arrested. He was later charged with 45 counts of involuntary deviate sexual intercourse.[1] He was the founder of the organization called Second Mile. This was a charity program to help disadvantaged youth. It was said that Jerry Sandusky found all of his victims through this charity organization.[1] The school fired the head coach Joe Paterno and forced the president Graham Spanier to resign for concealing information about the Sandusky case. Jerry Sandusky is now serving a sentence of 30-60 years in prison.[2] The NCAA then went on to fine Penn State sixty million dollars, bans the football team from the postseason for four years and removed all wins between 1998 and 2011. Also, the NCAA lost 20 football scholarships per season for four years.[1]
Now in my opinion I believe that Jerry Sandusky is a horrible man and does deserve to live the rest of his life in prison, but he shouldn’t have brought down the entire school and the football program with him. I think that the NCAA was very harsh with their punishments. They are punishing players who had no relations to the case. Students I think are also potentially punished because their college experience has been tarnished. Current students would never have the chance to see their football team make the playoffs. I also, feel bad for Joe Paterno the old coach of the Penn State football team. He was such a legend at that college. He even had a statue outside the school of himself. After the case his entire career exploded. The school took all his wins away for him and everything he accomplished. Yes, he probably did conceal information that should have brought to the general public sooner, but he had no connections to anything that Jerry Sandusky did. Joe Paterno later died after being fired from the team. Some say he died of a broken heart. Penn State will always be remembered now for what Jerry Sandusky did and it will be hard for the school the gain back the respect that they used to have. I hope to see the program grow and succeed again in the coming years. A recent report came out in October that Penn State is paying 59.7 million dollars to twenty-six men in Jerry Sandusky’s sex abuse case.[2] This shows that Penn state is doing everything they can to make things better and put the horrible tragedy behind them

[1] CNN, Library. CNN, "Penn State Scandal Fast Facts." Last modified October 28, 2013. Accessed January 31, 2014.

[2] Puskar , Gene. New York Daily News , "Penn State will pay $59.7 million to 26 victims in Jerry Sandusky sex abuse scandal." Last modified October 29, 2013. Accessed January 31, 2014.

Should Dorm Rooms Be Coed?

   -Ashley Ciero

   There has been an increase in dorms that allow both genders to live in the same room. Although there is an increase of colleges having these types of rooms available, not a large percentage of students are taking advantage of this opportunity. (1)  "UC Riverside, which has approximately 6,000 students in campus housing, only 50 have roommates of the opposite sex. But the school has had the option since 2005."(2) Despite this statistic, “as students sign up for next year's room, more schools are following suit, including Stanford University.”(1)
       Many people are unhappy with this, especially parents, but most students "say the demand is mostly from heterosexual students who want to live with close friends who happen to be of the opposite sex." Heterosexual people may have a hard time living with those of the same sex as them because it may make the people in the room feel uncomfortable. (1)
Not only is it hard for heterosexuals to feel comfortable in a room with same sex students, but girls also have a hard time fitting in with other girls. Females tend to be more cliquish which makes it harder for them to make friends right off the bat. (3) “Women seem more inclined to assess the clothing of their competition, compete for attention from the men, and then huddle into small, newly formed groupings of girlfriends…cliques aren’t just a symptom of high school, but a characteristically female tendency” meanwhile “men are more adept at making friends.”(3) Some girls would want to room with their best guy friend even if they weren’t dating.

I feel that if there is a certain building and floors that have coed rooms that it would be perfectly acceptable for colleges. We are moving on in our lives and preparing for the real world. In order for us to be more prepared, I think that after our first year or two we should be able to pick who we room with, male or female, just like in real life. If students are not comfortable with this then they can live in a different building than the designated coed building. This way people can have the convenience of living on campus and the perks of living off campus in an apartment. The school also can increase the amount of people living on campus and the revenue that comes with it. I feel like this is a win-win situation for everyone. 

(2) "Coed Dorms: Sleeping Together." (online forum message). College Express. 2014. (accessed January 31, 2014).
(1) Smith, Michelle. "Colleges are Allowing Coed Dorm Rooms." (online forum message). USA Today. 5 2, 08. (accessed January 31, 2014).
(3) "Why Do Grown Women Form Cliques?." (online forum message). The Soko. January 2014. (accessed January 31, 2014).