Tuesday, April 29, 2014

WWII Impact on Sexual Liberalism

World War Two and Its Impact on Sexual Liberalism in America
By: Ashley Ciero

       World War 2 was a major factor in Sexual Liberalism in the early 1940s. It touched on porn, homosexuality, women, the work force, and family life.

       At the time of World War 2, “pornography” was becoming popular.[i] When men were off at war, they had no physical contact with their loved ones and needed some sort of relief from their troubles. Although the “pornographic” pictures were far from what we think of as obscene today, at the time they were explicit.[ii] The popularity of porn in the war encouraged the porn industry and it also led to porn being more vulgar over time.[iii]

      Homosexuality was also effected by World War 2.[iv] Although homosexuality was not legal, it was very easy for men to hook up with other men during the war.[v] Experimentation also was common because of the lack of women and need for relief. [vi]Homosexuality then became more common and the first gay bars were opened in the 1940s-despite the fact that they were “underground” and hiding from society.[vii] 

     Now that the men were off at war, the women took the place of the men in the workforce.[viii] Women became more and more popular in the public sphere.[ix] As this shift took place, women were able to become more independent and treated less like items kept in the home. Women started to show up more in the media as well because they were now a major part of the economy.[x] 
      When the men came back from war, the people were ecstatic. Men started getting their jobs back but women were still in the workforce as well.[xi] Women started taking “Pink Collar” jobs, jobs that were more feminine like nursing and teaching.[xii] With the return of men came the Baby Boomer generation.[xiii] The Baby Boomer generation was a time when many babies were being born across the country because the troops were now back with their loved ones. Family life changed as they became larger with more children.[xiv] Family life was looking better and the Great Depression was coming to an end.[xv] The economy grew and people were happy.
      Although the war was major downfall, it came with many perks too: homosexuality was not as hidden anymore and became more popular. Women broke out of the private sphere and entered the public sphere and workforce. Family life improved with the economy and families were larger. Pornography was now popular and sexuality was more liberal. [xvi]

[i] Oberlin College LGBT Community History Project, "WWII Veterans: “A Whole Gay World Had Come Out”," Oberlin College LGBT Community History Project » Behind the Masks, http://www.oberlinlgbt.org/behind-the-masks/veterans-1 (accessed April 29, 2014)
[ii] Moore, Crystal. “The History of Sexuality in America”. Lecture, UNCC, Charlotte, NC, 2013-2014.
[iii] Albeit
[iv] Albeit
[v] Albeit
[vi] Albeit
[vii] Moore, Crystal. “The History of Sexuality in America”. Lecture, UNCC, Charlotte, NC, 2013-2014.
[viii] Discover Education, "Decade by Decade: 1940s - Women of the Century - DiscoverySchool.com." Decade by Decade: 1940s - Women of the Century - DiscoverySchool.com, http://school.discoveryeducation.com/schooladventures/womenofthecentury/decadebydecade/1940s.html (accessed April 29, 2014).
[ix] Albeit
[x] Albeit
[xi] Albeit
[xii] Albeit
[xiii] Albeit
[xiv] Albeit
[xv] Albeit
[xvi] Albeit

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