Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The War on Sex

Linnea Hoops
April Blog
The War on Sex

The time period that we are now living in has taken a spin to a more conservative viewpoint when it comes to sex in America. Hugh Hefner says that we have a “War on Sex” (1). Hefner has seen a lot when it comes to sex and sexuality since the 1950’s when he first published playboy. Hefner believes that fifty years of sexual freedom vanished in a sound bite (1).

It is said that private sexual matters are more liberal, but everything that is public such as birth control, abortion, pornography and homosexuality are conservative and this is causing the War on Sex (2).

Many politicians from the right side feel that women shouldn’t have access to Birth Control (2). I don’t agree with this what so ever and either do most Christians. Birth Control is used for more than just preventing pregnancy. Birth Control can reduce a heavy cycle, regulate a cycle, and even do things to help with ovarian cysts. Without birth control I believe that pregnancy in all ages would sky rocket and people who don’t want to get pregnant any maybe cannot afford a child at this time would get pregnant. If someone doesn’t have a lot of money or access to birth control, that person and all their children would have to be on welfare, which just adds to all the other people that are already on it. I think it is very interesting that republicans don’t want birth control in our society, but things like penis pumps and Viagra have been covered by Medicaid for a while (2). I think this is particular interesting because the ratio of men to women in politics is a lot to a little. If there were more equal representation for women in politics then I think more people would be on board for birth control.

Another matter that has been hot with this conservative viewpoint that has taken over again is abortion. Roe v. Wade mad abortion legal as long as the fetus was not able to live outside of the fetus in 1973 (2). I think if you make abortion illegal it will cause many more lower class births and those people and their children would be added to welfare just like the people who would lack birth control.

The third topic that has been in the spotlight is the outlaw of pornography. The Republican Party has tried to outlaw this as well (2). I personally don’t really have an opinion about whether pornography should be legal or not. I do believe that it degrades women and makes men think that all sex should be what they see in porn, which is wrong.

            The last topic that has been viral in politics lately is perhaps my favorite: homosexuality. Obviously conservatives will fight until their death to not let homosexual relationships become marriages. I think that everyone should have the right to marry anyone they want regardless of the gender of each persons involved in the relationship. I also think that the people who think homosexual marriages ruins marriage for them, are to put it blunt, ignorant. The only person ruining your heterosexual marriage because homosexual marriage is legal is yourself. Many people argue that homosexuality is against everything in the bible, but premarital sex and divorce is as well. So what makes premarital sex and divorce allowed to republicans, but not homosexuality?

            Overall I really hope that this conservative viewpoint in America can switch to a liberal viewpoint.

11.     “Hugh Hefner blast the GOP’s war on sex.” Last modified October 2, 2013, http://www.msnbc.com/the-last-word/hugh-hefner-blasts-the-gops-war-sex

22.   Moore, Crystal. “The Contemporary Crisis in Sexuality.” Class Lecture, April 29, 2014.

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