Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Larry Flynt and his sexual revolution by Lewis Jones

Larry Flynt is the founder and creator of Hustler magazine. Mr. Flynt was got into the porn publishing business when he was 32, after opining a successful chain of high end nude bars. Hustler was the first magazine to show open vulva while other magazines like Playboy and Penthouse were only showing pubic hair. His idea to show open vulva in his magazine wasn’t received well by Americans. Along with the vulva showing Mr. Flynt was also able to acquire nude photos of first lady at the time Jacqueline Kennedy. His first year issuing the magazine sales were around $375,000 in 1976 which is $1,514,236.60 in 2014. With the showing of his very vulgar pictures of the time Mr. Flynt faced and beat many lawsuits by standing and pushing the first amendment to its brinks. Larry Flint was also known for his wild antics in the court room. For instance during one of his trials h wore and American flag as a diaper and said “if you’re going to treat me like a baby I’m going to act like one”[1]. On another occasion he would have his models and prostitutes come into the courtroom carrying huge bags of cash for no reason. Larry Flynt was so important to the sexual revolution and sex history in general is because he broke down many obscenity laws and even to this day he fight and find controversial topics to put in his magazine. To this day Mr. Flynt puts an ad in the New York Post that gives a million dollar reward to anyone that has scandalous information on any politician. He even offered Cassie Anthony half a million dollars to pose for his magazine[2]. She declined but everyone from the inside of his organization begged him not to do it. Also from the very beginning Hustler never had the same type of girls as Playboy or Penthouse did. In Hustler he gave a wide variation of races and body shapes and sizes. The reason Mr. Flynt had an attempted assassination on his life which left him in a wheel chair was because they showed an interracial couple in his magazine in 1978. Mr. Flynt was also a visionary he saw the rise of the internet and decided he had to be different from other free sight so he decided to publish porn parodies of popular movies. Over the years Larry Flynt has built the most powerful and successful business in porn. While Hustler magazine may be dying Mr. Flynt is always evolving and changing.

[1] YouTube. "Larry Flynt's latest gamble." YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJRA73SOtaQ (accessed April 30, 2014).
[2] Magazine, Vice . "Larry Flynt and His Porn Empire." YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uSuwzawP5gI (accessed April 30, 2014).

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