Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Porn and relationships

Porn and relationships Courtney Holland

Porn has become so popular that it makes billions of dollars each year. “Porn revenue is larger than all combined revenues of all professional football, baseball, and basketball franchises (57+ billion dollars annually).”1 Porn can do damage to a relationship especially for those people who abuse porn and watch it every day. Porn can create false expectations that one may want their partner to have when in reality the people in the porn videos do not even look like that their selves.  Porn shows these air bushed and perfect bodies but in reality nobody is perfect. People go searching for women who are just as perfect as what they see on the TV screen and that is not going to happen unless they are air brushed. Nothing authentic exists as such perfection. Porn is simply fantasy. Porn gives off the perception of long stamina when in reality; men reach climax a lot quicker. There are porn videos that last and hour or two but in reality men typically do not last that long. Porn also has effects on the brain and your body. “Some report that the average time for men to have intercourse before ejaculating is 4 minutes, while a recent article in Men’s Health says 8-12 minutes. The Penguin Atlas of Sexual Human Behavior says it lasts about 15-20 minutes. The Kinsey Institute reports that 75% of all males reach orgasm within 2 minutes of penetration; thus pushing the average down to 3-5 minutes. In other words, men differ from one another sexually (especially through nature and nurture) to be able to pinpoint any true average.” 2 You do not have to live up to these false expectations. “Watching degrading porn increases users’ dominating and harassing behavior toward women and give them less compassion for rape victims.  They often have increasingly hostile/aggressive sexual fantasies.”1 This can cause unhealthy desires and standards wanted from a partner. The more frequent you use it the more money you send and the more depressed and lonely you can become. “Clinical research shows pornographic images create chemically encoded messages on the brain that can remain through adulthood.  Human memory is formed in part by the release of the chemical epinephrine, which, upon emotional arousal, leaves behind an imprint on the brain.”1 This shows the psychological and physical effects it has on the brain. It is health to stay away from porn. Not only can if damage your pockets as far as money but it can be abusive to you and your relationship.[i]


1Moore, Crystal. Sexual Commerce in Contemporary America. 2014.
2"Sexual Health - Men Message Board ." Health Boards (blog), october , 2002. http://www.healthboards.com/boards/sexual-health-men/128736-average-ejaculation-time.html (accessed April 29, 2014).

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