Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Sex in '69 by Danny Karrs

Danny Karrs
Sex in ‘69
Sex in ’69 was a documentary about all the changes happening in the year 1969. There was a big push for sexual liberalism in the late 60s. After the super conservative, perfect picket fence, living in the suburbs life of the 50s and early 60s. I feel that one of the main contributors to this push for liberal ideas was a man named Alfred Kinsey. Kinsey did a lot of anonymous research about sex and how it was being done and who was doing it. When his two books hit the public there was a bunch of controversy regarding the content and the detail that he used in them. This is a forerunner as a catalyst for the Free Love Movement. The Free Love Movement was a main cause of the sexual revolution; it was a bunch of rebellious young people defying what society deemed to be normal. This got very extreme in some cases but it simmered down and the true meaning behind it all was a more liberal view of relationships, marriage, youth culture, and sexuality. [1]
            Breaking conservative barriers was a theme throughout the movie. Whether it was doing LSD and having sex, going to a resort and having sex with someone next to your husband or wife who was doing the same, Jim Morrison pulling his penis out on stage, the rise of playboy, the push for gay rights, or the black man white woman relationship that were “oh so taboo”. Some of these trends died out kind of quickly, others transformed as the time changed, and others we’re still fighting today. Things like playboy and gay rights are still controversies today, they just transformed into what’s relevant today. For example we shouldn’t be objectifying women and using them in objectifying ways. Gay rights have changed into marriage and not being judged whereas in 69 they were just fighting for a place for them to hang out and meet other gay people. [1] 
            There’s a lot of changes in views of sexuality in sex in ’69, I feel the biggest was the thought of a black man having feelings for a white woman and the fact that she has feelings for him too really broke down barriers in the public eye. This really caused uproar with black females and ultimately caused them to worry more about how they looked to try and compete with the white women. This really interests me cause the same thing is occurring today, and I feel it will keep happening more and more until we are all then same color in which people will want to be different and separate themselves to accomplish this. [1]

1. Page, Mark. Sex in '69. 2009. History Channel, Film.

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