Monday, April 28, 2014

History of Playboy - Keona Holden

The History of Playboy

First Playboy Magazine Cover
The playboy magazine is one of the oldest and very popular men’s magazine in the United States. This magazine helped shape the ideas and viewpoints of sex that are upheld today. Hugh Hefner was born in April of 1926. This was a time where sex began to be seen in a different light. Where as before, sex was a very confidential act, only to be done with ones spouse for procreation, or because the husband requested it [1]. During the 1920’s through 1945 sex began to be more recreational. Sex was viewed very liberally, and dating was introduced. It was now okay for women to enjoy sex, and even initiate sex. As Hugh Hefner got older the culture of the times and how sex was perceived began to change. Sex went from being very liberal to the exact opposite. Between 1940 through 1960, views on sex were considered very conservative; instead of dating, and petting, young people began going steady, where a couple would see each other exclusively to see if they were compatible [2].  Hugh Hefner, the very first magazine publisher to develop into a big celebrity, took advantage of this time and founded the Playboy Magazine [3]. In 1953, Hugh published the very first Playboy magazine and in 1955, the magazine company won a two-year conflict with the US Post Office allowing Playboy to be sent via mail. Playboy Magazine was filled with many racy and nude pictures of women and also the “Playboy philosophy” [4]. This philosophy rejected any limitations on sex and reserves marriage for the harshest of criticism [5]. The magazine encouraged men to enjoy and love the pleasures that every woman offers without becoming too emotionally involved [6]. It encourages men not to marry at a young age, and enjoy the wonderful benefits of being young and attractive before settling down financially, socially and sexually. Just about every young man and women of this time idolized the Playboy philosophy. Hugh Hefner was able to use nudity and sexy pictures of women to arouse and get the attention of men to create a financial and sexual empire.
            I think that the Playboy philosophy is still used today by young men in the society. Men today do not settle down immediately. A lot of men today like to engage in several sexual relationships before settling down with one woman in a monogamous relationship. Although playboy may not be viewed as much, studies show that porn is very common between young men in college in high school [7]. Porn displays the Playboy philosophy; it usually shows men who are enjoying the wonders of women before getting married. Playboy has influenced sexual ideals for more than 50 years.

Works Cited
[1] PLAYBOY ENTERPRISES INTERNATIONAL, INC. "Playboy History - History of Playboy." Playboy Enterprises Inc OUR HISTORY Comments. (accessed April 28, 2014).
[2] Moore, Crystal. "The Sexual Society, The 1960's and 1970's in America." Lecture, LBST 2101 19H, Charlotte, April 1, 2014.
 [3] "Biography." IMDb. (accessed April 28, 2014).
[4] "Biography." IMDb. (accessed April 28, 2014).
[5] Moore, Crystal. "The Sexual Society, The 1960's and 1970's in America." Lecture, LBST 2101 19H, Charlotte, April 1, 2014.
[6] Moore, Crystal. "The Sexual Society, The 1960's and 1970's in America." Lecture, LBST 2101 19H, Charlotte, April 1, 2014.
[7]Enough Is Enough. "Pornography Statistics." Statistics. (accessed April 29, 2014).

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