Monday, March 31, 2014

The choice is yours

Homosexuality is everywhere. It is talked about and even seen all over the word. Many people argue about whether it is morally right or not, but another big discussion has been if it is genetic or a choice from social environments. After thinking about it, I think that homosexuality is a choice and not genetic. I think that not just homosexuality, but sexual orientation in general are choices that are made and not genetically determined. I feel that choices are not genetic because they are decisions; and since when are decisions genetic? For example, if I like the color blue then I like the color blue. When I am born, a doctor can not scan my brain to tell what my favorite color will be. Something in my life could happen that could make me change it to green one day. It is similar with sexual orientation, which can change. I know a girl who used to like guys but became a lesbian after the relationship did not work with the guy. She never always identified as bisexual but then decided she was fully a lesbian after the relationship with the guy did not work. I also know another lady that decided to be a lesbian because she was not getting attention from guys and found it easier to approach females. We are all indeed born a certain way and we are the way we are, but anything that includes decision are altered by social surrounding and person preferences. Another reason why I do not think it is genetic is because it is still not proven to be genetic. According to the Epigenetic Theory of Homosexuality, “One is not gay due to DNA but due to the way our genes are expressed. Gene expression may regulate how fetus responds to testosterone and some epi-marks buffer a female fetus from high levels of testosterone by suppressing receptors that respond to it.”[1] This may be true, but it is only a theory. There is only theories out there that state possible ways to tell gay from straight but nothing is written in stone. I believe that the level of technology we are at today, would have been able to detect it if it was genetic. If we as a people, have studied the brains of other animals such as monkeys and dolphins, and have found ways of communication with them, then why is knowing how to decipher between gay and straight that hard? Because it can not be shown, is why I think it is a social choice.

[1] Moore, Crystal. "Theories on origins of homosexuality." (online forum). Getting to the root of homosexuality.

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