Sunday, March 30, 2014

Sex Trafficking: Then and Now

Sex Trafficking: Then and Now
Linnea Hoops
March Blog

Sex trafficking has been in the news a lot lately, but what most people don’t know is that sex trafficking has been around since our nations history has started.

The first history we have of sex slavery is after someone who our nation looks up to and even has a holiday named after him. The one and only: Christopher Columbus. When Columbus discovered the Bahamas, he took advantage of the people that resided on the island. Not only did he selling all the native women and children into sexual slavery for money, but he also raped them himself.[1]

The FBI has done a study and concluded that sex trafficking is the fastest growing business of organized crime in the world. North Carolina is anticipated to be in the top eight states for sex trafficking. Since Charlotte is close to Atlanta it makes it a major spot for young girls to be transported between the two cities.[2] It is scary to think that girls are transported around the nation in different various ways. The amount of transporting the industry does makes it harder to track and find girls to bring them to safety and their traffickers to justice.

The conditions that a sex slave has to sustain are horrible. Melissa Woodward shared her story with the 700 Club and told of the conditions she had to survive in. She was housed in a warehouse and was only fed a sandwich and water each day. Her and another girl were chained to a twin bed and were required to serve anywhere between 5 to 30 men a night. Some men beat her, while others were regulars and would sometimes hold her. After a night of servicing all different kinds of men they girls were put in freezing cold showers to reduce the swelling of their fragile small bodies. I don’t think I could last more than a day in these conditions and I wouldn’t want to even imagine trying to stay alive.[3]

Being a young woman near the city is actually quite scary. I can’t imagine being sold into the industry and possibly never seeing my family again or being killed because of the strenuous. Knowing that young women my age are strung out on drugs and being raped in the city, so close to me is enough to almost give me nightmares. Every woman that has ever been involved with the sex industry I feel deep empathy and respect for. This is a huge industry that needs to be stopped, but would take a lot of work to stop.

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