Monday, March 31, 2014

Alfred Kinsey By Danny Karrs

Danny Karrs
Alfred Kinsey

Alfred Kinsey was a biologist who wrote 2 books, created a scale and had a life of revolutionizing the way people looked at and thought about sex. He founded the Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction at Indiana University. The two books he wrote known as the Kinsey Reports are called Sexual Behavior in the Human Male and Sexual Behavior in the Human Female. Kinsey studied Gull Wasps and their sexual interactions; he used taxonomy to do this and used it again in his research on sexual human behavior. His research on the sexuality of humans caused controversy in the 40s and 50s, right as sex in America was evolving into more modern beliefs, Kinsey is a major contributor to this. [1]
            Dr. Kinsey and his team made up of economist Clyde Martin, psychologist Wardell Pomeroy, and anthropologist Paul Gebhard went around and interviewed 17,000 people for their research project. Kinsey was known for keeping a straight and non-judgmental environment for his interviews. He also was known for secrecy and even developed a code sheet and had a key that was never written down to ensure secrecy of his interviews. These interviews were the base for his two books known as the Kinsey Reports. [2]     
            Kinsey also developed a scale and talked about it in his first book, its called The Homosexual –Heterosexual Rating scale, or better known as the Kinsey scale. It is a 7-point scale (0-6) with 0 being exclusively heterosexual and 6 being Exclusively homosexual. The middle numbers are considered in between, for example predominantly heterosexual but incidentally or more then incidentally homosexual. This scale has been republished in many books and used in many topics of discussion.

            There is a lot of controversy over Kinsey’s work, more recently then ever. H “he believed pornography was harmless, that adultery can enhance a marriage and that children are sexual from birth.” 2 He is suspected to be very involved with pedophiles and other sexual miscreants. He gathered data from these people to support his hypothesis that children are sexual from birth. He introduced the ideas of contraceptives, abortions and the porn industry publicly and made the talks of them less taboo. Anti-contraceptive groups are really upset with Kinsey’s research, they say “Kinsey “myths” are the reason the porn industry is thriving and why abortion and contraception providers make millions every year”. [3]
The controversy will always shroud Kinsey but without his research America and the world would have never revolutionized the ideas of sex.

Work Cited
"The Kinsey Institute." The Kinsey Institute. tml (accessed March 31, 2014).

"The Kinsey Institute." The Kinsey Institute. (accessed March 31, 2014).

"The Truth Behind Alfred Kinsey | ZENIT - The World Seen From Rome." ZENIT. (accessed March 31, 2014).

[1] tml

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