Sunday, March 30, 2014

Strip club conditions -Eric Maritato

Conditions of Strip Clubs
By Eric Maritato LBST 2101
Often today women apply to become a stripper because they hear how much money they could make at a strip club. At decent strip clubs woman can earn thousands of dollars per week. Top girls at upscale strip clubs can earn up to 130,000 thousand dollars per year, but an average girl in the USA makes around forty thousand dollars a year working at a strip club[1], With the way strippers are portrayed why would any woman want to become a stripper? Well, some women are single mothers needing money to support their children, some are lured into the business, some are teenage runaways and some woman are even stripping to pay for health insurance.[2] Woman often do not know what they are getting into when they apply for the job they are just looking for the quick cash to get by in life. They are unaware of the poor conditions that come with it. Customers often spit on woman, flick cigarettes, and grab their breasts, butt and genitals. Strippers have reported being stalked, harassed, threatened and sexually assaulted. Strippers work long hours with no breaks and have to pay heavy fines to the club if the violate rules while dancing. [3]In the end stripping effects your everyday life and it is hard to recover.
In my opinion I think strip club conditions need to be seriously improved but not abolished all together. Stripping is very demoralizing to woman. No woman should have to deal with being harassed, threatened or robbed but, no female is forced into stripping it is their personal choice. Yes, woman are joining strip clubs today can earn quick money to help support their families or pay for their bills but there has to be other ways woman can earn quick cash besides stripping. For the scenarios where stripping is the only option for women conditions need to be seriously improved. I could imagine it is hard to live a normal life when you are constantly being harassed and mistreated.  I do not think that stripping will ever be socially acceptable in society and woman in the stripping industry will always be called sluts and whores. Verbal abuse will always be a problem but if strip clubs are going to be a continuing business new laws and regulations need to put into place for the safety of the strippers. Strippers should not have to worry about being stalked or sexually assaulted.

[1] Said , Sammy . The Richest , "Strippers and their Salaries ." Last modified August 08, 2013 . Accessed March 31, 2014.

[2] Mitchell, Tracie. Psychology Today, "What It's like to be a Stripper." Last modified May 06, 2013. Accessed March 31, 2014.

[3] Moore , Crystal . "Sexual Commerce in Contemporary America." lecture., University of North Carolina Charlotte , 2014. .

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