Friday, February 28, 2014

The debate on sex education in schools and at home By Danny Karrs

         We've all taken that awkward sex education class in 9th grade, when no one was comfortable with anything that was being said. Whether its STI's, pregnancy or prevention of those two, no one wants to talk about it nor does the teacher seem to want to teach it. Either way its necessary to learn, but where and when is slightly more debatable. Some say its too late, kids have already had sex and they had no knowledge of what they were doing. Some say its too early, if you tell them how to do something and then not to do it they are going to want to do it. I think its more on the parents then it is on the school. Its up to the parents to make sure they're kids aren't out having sex and if they are the parents need to make sure they are using protection and not getting STIs and preventing Pregnancy.
      So the infamous sex talk from your parents, i feel some do it better then others but i wouldn't know because I've only had experience with one. But you can see that some people treat sex a lot differently then others. And the way they treat it really reflects their chances at STIs and Pregnancy. Another proposed problem with talking about sex in schools is religions reasons and is abstinence the best message to teach students? Some schools don’t teach about contraception because of religious purposes and thus the students go against the abstinence teaching and have sex with no knowledge of contraception so it has more negative affects then positive. Some schools don’t teach it at all because they feel its up to the parents or the church to teach them about sex. I really don’t think all religions will be happy with anything that happens so its really about focusing on what will make the majority happy and what will prevent students from getting pregnant or contracting STIs.
         Another Idea is to get the parents approval before the kids take the sex class. This is probably the best option but if the parents choose for their kids not to take it they better fill in the role and teach their kids about sex at home.
         In all I think it should be a combination of multiple teachings, it starts at home, the parents should tell you everything. Then its up to the school to fill in anything the parents may have missed. Its not fool proof but I think this is the best way to lower the numbers of STIs and teen pregnancy’s.

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